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We are so glad you've found our website! We are dedicated to doing all that is reasonable to help children approach their potential. Please schedule a visit to tour our schools and meet our faculty members. They'll make you feel at home!  To find out more about our Learning Center, please fill out the form below:

Contact Us!

Sipe Ministries, Inc. dba LITTLE SCHOLARS SCHOOLS is a not-for-profit private school and daycare provider. Its intent is to serve, superbly, the families of the Central Arkansas community, many of which are financially challenged, by providing for their children (many of which are resource-limited) superior academic services, loving care, great food, and quality programming.  

You can help us nurture and educate the children in our community!  You can make a one time donation or a monthly pledge.     

Become a Sponsor!

Unfortunately, children from low-income households do not have the educational options that are open to students of a higher income bracket.  It's our vision to provide a better edcucational options for children in our community who are in need.  You can help with this by contributing to our Tuition Assistance Program!  With your contribution of $130 per month, you can sponsor a student in need!

© 2017 Little Scholars Schools. Created using

Created by: Nancy Glasscock

Update 11/27/24

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