CONCERNING MONDAY As all of you know, Monday, January 18th, is the day that Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday is observed. He, being one of my heroes, deserves the recognition that he has been given for the positive changes brought about in our society. Yet we still have a lot to learn about peaceful protest. I pray that our Nation will experience additional healing in the near future, lest our divisiveness destroy the very foundation which has made America so great. I ask that you join LSS in teaching the children that there are legitimate ways to bring about changes in society which are peaceful.
Nevertheless, on Monday, LSS will be open, for so many of you, finding it financially necessary to go to work, need care for your children. Therefore, LSS will be open to meet your needs.
CONCERNING COVID-19 I thank all of you who have gone to great effort to keep COVID-19 out of our School. Out of a deep concern for our community, our faculty has gone to extremes to keep the virus from spreading. Unfortunately, this has necessitated inconvenient and costly closings. I wish we could have done better. The good news is that the vaccine will be available for everyone soon. Please make an appointment as soon as possible, so that you can protect others as well as yourself. I expect that all of Little Scholars faculty members will be vaccinated by the end of this month.
CONCERNING PRENDA Ten or so students are being introduced to PRENDA, and I understand that several more will be starting shortly. Its small class size makes it ideal for K-2 students who have fallen behind due to “virtual” programs offered by others. Please encourage enrollment, so that students will have an opportunity to get on grade level. We owe them that!
Consideration is being given to expanding PRENDA if enrollment continues to increase and a suitable nearby location can be found. Help us develop this vision.